Traduction et définition

to identify: identifier verb
We need you to identify the body. Nous avons besoin que vous identifiez le corps.
More and more young teenagers identify with Britney Spears. De plus en plus d'adolescents s'identifient à Britney Spears.


  • "There are many international Human Rights organizations which identify private enterprises that subcontract their labor."
  • "Please identify yourself."
  • "Air Traffic Controller : I'm unable to identify you on radar."
  • "Witnesses were unable to identify the driver of the van, nor read its license plate, though several people reported seeing a "KK" logo on the rear window of the vehicle."
  • "We managed to identify and destroy the virus before it infected any other machines on the network, which is extremely good news."
  • "I want you to make a series of 90-degree turns so that I can identify you on radar."
  • "I hope this helps identify him."
  • "OILS, the Organization for International Labor Standards, is a (fictional) group which identifies and certifies subcontractors using legal and ethical labor practices."

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