Traduction et définition

generally: généralement adverb
in general: en général idiom


  • "Generally, it's workers who are laid off that receive unemployment benefits."
  • "To become a manager, you generally demonstrate experience, aptitude and good leadership skills."
  • "I am your new king, and generally awesome human being, Philip Cheeter."
  • "I asked you here to speak about environmental initiatives in general, not to use my programme as a platform to promote your own company!"
  • "I never thought I would leave the Delavigne Corporation and I have sincerely appreciated my time with the company in general and on the retail team in particular."
  • "Janine : This payment is based on your salary and, in general, is about 50 per cent of your weekly earnings."
  • "Our readers would be fascinated to hear about your unique approach to accounting and your opinions on the finance world in general."
  • "Janine : It depends on the state but, in general, the payments are stopped after six months."
  • "Assistant : I'm sorry to break this to you, Mr Marron, but in general plants don't respond well to being put in ovens."
  • "Jonas : Actually Brent, Scandinavia is a region made up of several countries, generally Norway, Denmark and Sweden."

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