Traduction et définition

to fill (in, out, up): remplir verb
Fill est toujours suivi d'une post-position :
To fill out a form Remplir un formulaire
To fill in the hole Boucher, remplir le trou
To fill up the gas tank. Faire le plein d'essence
(The bag) is filled with (sand): (Le sac) est plein de (sable) verb


  • "Future Man : Fill in our tax return."
  • "You are cordially invited to my grand opening, which will be filled with art, snacks, and for the first time at any event that I've hosted, no strippers."
  • "To join MyFace, please complete the registration data by filling in all the fields found below."
  • "Please indicate which of these days you would prefer as the new "Casual Dress Day", by filling in the box with a pencil or pen, blue or black ink."
  • "I am also filled with terror upon discovering your new president, but that is a discussion for another time!"
  • "Brian : Did he fill your sock with presents?"
  • "Excuse my typical French greeting, but I have just returned from my homeland (France) and I am filled with a love of France (my homeland) and all things French!"
  • "All the tea, crumpets and Sudoku in the world cannot fill my void since leaving the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "Edward : (singing) Sometimes I feel like such a loner, trying to fill the printer with toner"

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