Traduction et définition

eventually: finalement, tôt ou tard adverb
Attention, eventually est un faux-ami : il ne veut pas dire "éventuellement" (possibly).
Eventually, we will have to repaint the walls. Nous aurons besoin de repeindre les murs tôt ou tard.
I'll get to your proposal eventually. Je vais finalement revoir votre proposition.

UK: I eventually decided to buy the pink shoes, not the blue ones.
US: I'm sure the children will eventually get along.


  • "It was a tough competition, but Mr Oleré eventually outclassed his canine competitors by using his human brain to his advantage."
  • "At the same time, Philip developed a talent for sales while travelling door to door with his father and selling first hot dogs, then toasters, and eventually insurance policies."
  • "Bruno and Stink visited the Colosseum of Rome, the pyramids in Egypt, walked along the Great Wall of China and spent a confusing weekend in Amsterdam. Eventually, Bruno arrived in the jungles of the Amazon still hoping to find a cure for his Anosmia."
  • "Eventually, Bruno transformed Xavier's humble perfume shop in Montmartre into a world-renowned, multinational cosmetics company."
  • "Eventually I did manage to finish it however, at which time I enjoyed another good laugh."
  • "Bruno and Stink visited the Colosseum of Rome, the pyramids of Egypt, walked along the Great Wall of China and spent a confusing weekend in Amsterdam. Eventually, Bruno arrived in the jungles of the Amazon, hoping to find the cure for his Anosmia."
  • "Delavigne and Stink visited the Colosseum of Rome, the pyramids of Egypt, walked along the Great Wall of China and spent a confusing weekend in Amsterdam. Eventually Bruno arrived in the jungles of the Amazon, still searching for the cure to his Anosmia."
  • "Narrator : Bruno eventually perfected his skills of interpretation until he was ready to take on the ultimate challenge: the dolphin."
  • "I like to send people a stream - or should I say glacier - of passive-aggressive emails until the person becomes numb and confused and eventually falls into a frozen lake."

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