Traduction et définition
to escape (from): (s') échapper, (s') évader
He escaped from prison. Il s'est échappé de prison.
an escape: une évasion, une issue
a fire escape un escalier de secours
to escape (death): échapper (à la mort)
- "Dr. Gilchrist : Well, I just got here, but sure, escape sounds fun!"
- "I plan to escape today."
- "Looks like you've managed to escape prison one more time!"
- "We're going to escape!"
- "Brian : Well, when the ladies discovered we were escaping, Horatio and I ran as fast as we could."
- "Tantra : He must have escaped!"
- "Some of us will run away to Canada, in order to escape the draft."
- "Escape is impossible."
- "I just escaped from a mental institution."
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