Traduction et définition

an environmental initiative: une initiative pour la protection de l'environnement noun


  • "So as you can see, the Delavigne Corporation has a number of exciting projects planned for 2017, ranging from the launch of innovative new fragrances, business ventures as well as environmental initiatives."
  • "I asked you here to speak about environmental initiatives in general, not to use my programme as a platform to promote your own company!"
  • "She's the one that spearheaded our latest environmental initiatives."
  • "None of our products are tested on animals (other than our test monkeys, which are a "special" exception, and never exposed to any real danger), and Delavigne is proud to support environmental initiatives all over the world."
  • "Sigourney : Well Bruno, I write what I see, and during our interview you gave me no indication that the environmental initiatives of your own company interested you in the slightest."
  • "Bruno Delavigne in person, hoping for an interview about the environmental initiatives at the company."
  • "As I mentioned in my email, I'm looking to get some advice on possible environmental initiatives that we could incorporate here at Delavigne."
  • "Susie : Delavigne is a San Francisco-based cosmetics company, and I'm here today to tell you about some of the environmental initiatives we're currently working on."
  • "First question: of all the innovative environmental initiatives that you've implemented recently, which do you like best?"
  • "We worked on incorporating some environmental initiatives together."

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