Traduction et définition

to cut: couper verb
to cut costs réduire les frais, les coûts
to cut ties couper les liens, les ponts

Notons que ce verbe est irrégulier :
I cut / I cut / I have cut
a cut (on the arm): une coupure (sur le bras) noun
a tax cut une réduction d'impôts
wage cuts une réduction de salaire
the cut (of a suit): la coupe (d'un costume) noun
to cut (a carrot) into small pieces: couper (une carotte) en petits morceaux idiom


  • "You say it is cutting-edge art exhibition, so I cut."
  • "Brian, I want you to take all cards and cut them using the scissors."
  • "Horatio : Yes it could be the alcohol, or the big cut in your head."
  • "Horatio : Cutting what?"
  • "You cut down trees real fast, and you cut my grass just the way I like it."
  • "I'll just cut here and here..."
  • "Your choice of fabric and cut, plus the tailoring work, comes to a total of... $1920."
  • "In France, our national song is about cutting the throats of our enemies and drinking their blood."
  • "Horatio : No, it's not a drink, just a real pair of metal scissors for... cutting things."

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