Traduction et définition
cruel: cruel, sauvage, sévère
cruelly: cruellement
- "I know it's cruel, but you're far too ugly to make it in the entertainment business."
- "Goodbye, cruel world."
- "Yesterday, during my "re-education" session, I endured cruel treatment that had but one goal: to remove the very essence of my Britishness."
- "Two months ago, Horatio and I were cruelly imprisoned in the abhorrent, but surprisingly spacious kitchen of a 4-star restaurant."
- "Don't be cruel, to a heart that's true..."
- "Making your secretary take down, and then type, a complaint letter about herself is extremely cruel."
- "Have you been abusing your powers as a ruthless dictator, tyrannical tyrant or cruel despot?"
- "Life can be cruel."
- "Youri say that Kalack country was created when giant salamander Bourishnakov make kisses and sexy time with Yabadev the Cruel."
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