Traduction et définition

to complain (about sthg, to sbdy): se plaindre (de qq ch, auprès de qq'un) verb
To complain est généralement suivi de about ou de of :
Luna always complains of the smell in the bathroom. Luna se plaint continuellement des odeurs dans les toilettes.
Kevin Connors complained about the poor working conditions in the factory. Kevin Connors s'est plaint des conditions déplorables de travail dans l'usine.
a complaint: une plainte, un reproche, une réclamation noun
His only complaint about the restaurant: the service was terrible. Son seul reproche concernant le restaurant: le service était catastrophique.
to file a complaint porter plainte

UK: I made a complaint about the choice of the music.
US: You're always complaining about your problems!


  • "And there have been no complaints at all!"
  • "You wisely modified the settings on PhilipBot's personality console from "Insufferable" to "Tolerable", which has led to far fewer complaints from SusieBot."
  • "Bruno : Brian, it's not good business to give vouchers to people without a legitimate complaint."
  • "All of them reacted very positively and there were no complaints."
  • "-The way the complaint is handled will determine if the customer will return or not."
  • "Act to solve all complaints and problems to the customer's satisfaction."
  • "He complained of "intense pancake syndrome", "lazy eyebrows" and a "chocolate mistake"."
  • "Handle each complaint in a courteous and professional manner and to the client's satisfaction."
  • "To help us better deal with your complaint, please choose from the following menu"

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