Traduction et définition
to check (sthg) out: jeter un coup d'œil (sur qque chose), essayer (qque chose)
You should check out the restaurant I went to last night. It was excellent! Tu devrais essayer le restaurant où je suis allé hier soir. Il était excellent!
Check it out! Essayez-le!
to check-out (of a hotel): régler sa note (et quitter un hôtel)
- "Checking in and out - You can check in any time between 3PM and 3.30PM."
- "Clerk (Camilla) : So you'll be checking out tomorrow morning?"
- "Jean, check out these fancy idioms to add some colour to your future conversations!"
- "Let's go check it out."
- "Check out some of these first-hand testimonials"
- "- You must check out by 8AM on your day of departure."
- "You're new here, so check it out, man."
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