Traduction et définition
a box: une boîte, un carton, une case (en informatique)
a mailbox une boîte aux lettres
to box: faire de la boxe, boxer
a boxed set: un coffret
We are offering our boxed set of three CDs at half price. Nous proposons notre coffret de trois disques à moitié prix.
- "Before we get started, I'd like to remind you that tomorrow's activities include camel boxing, camel racing, and of course the camel swimsuit competition!"
- "All I know is I've got a box of them and some of them are very urgent!"
- "Joan : Horatio, what's that strange glowing box they're watching?"
- "You can come out of the box!"
- "You can go back to your box now."
- "(For reasons of decency, I added the box to Framboise's diagram)."
- "Highlights include a slow-motion video of the artist giving birth, and a sculpture of an electric chair made entirely out of egg boxes."
- "Your performance on memory tests has impressed me from afar, and truly, when you checked the box marked "No need to review", it was then that I realized I could no longer keep my deep admiration for you a secret."
- "In a box."
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