Traduction et définition
the bottom (shelf): (l'étagère du) bas
Please lock the bottom drawer before you leave. Merci de fermer le tiroir du bas avant de partir.
the bottom (of the sea): le fond (de la mer)
I found my wallet at the bottom of the trash can. J'ai trouvé mon porte-feuille au fond de la poubelle.
the bottom floor est quelquefois utilisé pour désigner le "rez-de-chaussée".
the bottom: le fessier, le derrière
- "Polly : In the bottom, left-hand drawer of your desk, sir."
- "So he has a giant bottom, or he must measure 5 meters!"
- "At the bottom of your advert, make sure you include..."
- "Apparently, the painting reminds him very much of his grandmother, who was also red, ugly and had your signature on her bottom."
- "For the last 2 days we have had to immobilise him. He has been trying to lick his bottom, he keeps dancing to the music in his head, and worst of all, he sometimes tries to polish an imaginary teapot."
- "For the last 2 days we have had to immobilise him. He has been trying to lick his own bottom, he keeps dancing to the music in his head, and worst of all, he sometimes tries to polish an imaginary teapot."
- "Sam : Well, it's all there Bruno, I assure you, with your signature at the bottom. It seems that you did actually agree to the terms of the loans when you signed seven years ago."
- "Jean : Luna, please, I have never touched anyone's bottom. But what if someone touches me?"
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