Traduction et définition

the board (of a company): le conseil, le directoire, le comité (de direction) noun
The board can refer to both shareholders and the directors of a company. In both cases, "the board" makes most major decisions for the company (in a "boardroom" usually).
a (surf) board: une planche (de surf) noun
a board (at school): un tableau (à l'école) noun
Schools often have "blackboards", "chalkboards" or "whiteboards" in classrooms.


  • "I'm the one that has to justify a 14,000 dollar shipment of ingredients to the board!"
  • "The board of the IACF thought it only fitting that you, one of the true pioneers in the fragrance and cosmetic community, deliver the speech to mark the Vicennial anniversary of our organization."
  • "Let me see... I, Horatio Oléré, agree to the following... will not sell without prior permission from the Board... should I attempt to sell my shares... prosecution."
  • "The Board is pleased to inform shareholders that the dividend per share will be 16.3¢."
  • "Icarus : Then I'll have to recommend to Bruno and to the board that your supplies must be pre-approved by... me!"
  • "Miaow Yang : With the money we are offering, you could start a new business, even remain on the board of Miracle Juices..."
  • "Mr. Cheeter, why don't you come up to the board and show us how you think this problem should be solved?"
  • "Bruno : The board has elected a new CEO, Sylvio Mazerati."
  • "Mazerati cautiously approached each individual, so it came as a total surprise to all involved when Mazerati was elected CEO by the D&C board last Tuesday."

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