Traduction et définition
as they say (in Spanish, "Hola"): comme ils disent (en espagnol, "Hola")
- "Bruno : Mas o menos , as they say."
- "Of course not... love is blind, as they say."
- "That's all for now, or as they say in the biz "That's a wrap!"
- "Dodgeball is a team game, and there's no "I" in team, as they say."
- "But, I will give you a clue, because as they say: "Life is a journey, not a destination."
- "Laughter is the best medicine, as they say."
- "Bruno : Alright, here we voila, as they say!"
- "Icarus : As they say in Canada, "bon appétit"!"
- "Mi casa es su casa, as they say in France."
- ""Love is blind", as they say."
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