Traduction et définition

an air traffic controller: un contrôleur aérien noun


  • "With the aid of air traffic controllers, Mr. Marron was able to guide the plane towards the airport runway."
  • "Air Traffic Controller : San Francisco center."
  • "Air Traffic Controller : I'm unable to identify you on radar."
  • "The balloon lost radio contact with airport personnel some time after 7:00 am, said air traffic controllers at the Napa Valley Hot Air Center."
  • "Air Traffic Controller : Pull up Sleepwalker, pull up!"
  • "Air Traffic Controller : Right, ok."
  • "The balloon, or Montgolfier, lost radio contact with local airport personnel some time after 7:00 am, said air traffic controllers at the Napa Valley Hot Air Center, where the balloon took off around 12:00 the previous night."

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