The Earth In Numbers
Planet Earth is composed of 71% water and 29% land, the same composition as the average hot dog.According to science, the earth is perfectly round on all 4 sides.
Earth: The planet most of us live on. The third planet closest to the sun.Also - Land or ground; “dirt” or “soil”, the substance that plants grow in.
Earth News
The 2012 Earth Summit is taking place June 20-22 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. 108 countries will send their heads of state.Since Stockholm in 1972, here is an exhaustive list of the Earth Summits' achievements: Nothing.
Earth Tips
Don't print e-mails - every time you do, a baby polar bear dies.Recycling a bottle of champagne can feed a family of unicorns for 3 days.
Feel bad! Global warming is all your fault.

Earth: The planet most of us live on. The third planet closest to the sun.Also - Land or ground; “dirt” or “soil”, the substance that plants grow in.
Earth News
The 2012 Earth Summit is taking place June 20-22 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. 108 countries will send their heads of state.Since Stockholm in 1972, here is an exhaustive list of the Earth Summits' achievements: Nothing.
The Earth In Numbers
Planet Earth is composed of 71% water and 29% land, the same composition as the average hot dog.According to science, the earth is perfectly round on all 4 sides.
Earth Tips
Don't print e-mails - every time you do, a baby polar bear dies.Recycling a bottle of champagne can feed a family of unicorns for 3 days.
Feel bad! Global warming is all your fault.
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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