Philosophical Debates
Science vs. Religion: Began either thousands of years ago or billions of years ago, depending on which side you're on.Man vs. Nature: We all know who has the upper hand here. Go humanity!
Debate (noun): An argument or discussion in which different opinions are expressed. Often political.To debate (verb): To argue or discuss an issue.
Debates in the news
In October 2012, four national debates are held in the US, leading up to the Presidential elections.Don’t confuse debates with diabetes, although both issues concern Americans.
Modern American Debate Format
30 min: Dodge questions30 min: Commit to lowering taxes
30 min: Deny commitment to lowering taxes
30 min: Refute accusations of communism and Islam
30 min: Define communism, Islam for public
5 min: Dance contest for the rule of America

Debate (noun): An argument or discussion in which different opinions are expressed. Often political.To debate (verb): To argue or discuss an issue.
Debates in the news
In October 2012, four national debates are held in the US, leading up to the Presidential elections.Don’t confuse debates with diabetes, although both issues concern Americans.
Philosophical Debates
Science vs. Religion: Began either thousands of years ago or billions of years ago, depending on which side you're on.Man vs. Nature: We all know who has the upper hand here. Go humanity!
Modern American Debate Format
30 min: Dodge questions30 min: Commit to lowering taxes
30 min: Deny commitment to lowering taxes
30 min: Refute accusations of communism and Islam
30 min: Define communism, Islam for public
5 min: Dance contest for the rule of America
The Word of the Month is created by Gymglish, in partnership with Le Monde.
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