Traducción & Definición
You know what?: ¿Sabes qué?
You know (very well) what (I prefer: vanilla ice cream): Sabe (muy bien) qué (prefiero: helado de vainilla)
- "Hey, you know what?"
- "But I suppose that means you know what it's like to live with a handicap?"
- "Todd : Okay, you know what, I'm tired of these stereotypes."
- "When you go to the toilet, you know what that means..."
- "You know what... if you give me the darn list, maybe I can help you out."
- "Brian : You know what Philip?"
- "And then I'm supposed to have a meeting with Philip and talk about the sales budget for the next quarter, and I just know he's going to ask me for more stuff that I can't afford to allocate him, and - well - you know what Philip's like, and... It's just too much, mommy!"
- "Claire : You know what Jean, you're right."
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