Traducción & Definición
yesterday: ayer
I wasn't born yesterday. No nací ayer.
- "Subject: Big explosion yesterday"
- "Was anybody able to solve yesterday's homework problem?"
- "Yesterday we went on a trip to Newquay."
- "Bruno : Is that why you missed levitation practice yesterday?"
- "In light of yesterday's unfortunate laboratory explosion (on the bright side, just our third this year!), and today's mighty hangover, I've decided to retire from perfume development, effective immediately."
- "I have faxed over some documents, which you should have received yesterday."
- "I had a nasty headache yesterday so I took a packet of aspirin."
- "Yesterday I had to stay at the office later than usual in order to catch up on some paperwork."
- "Yesterday, during my "re-education" session, I endured cruel treatment that had but one goal: to remove the very essence of my Britishness."
- "Yesterday, Shoshana and Youri took me to the National Museum of Kalackistani History."
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