Traducción & Definición

a working day (or business day): un día de trabajo idiom


  • "Bethany : If the matter is not resolved within four business days..."
  • "Please let me know what steps you will take to remove this material within 15 working days of the date you received this letter."
  • "- Damaged goods must be reported immediately by telephone upon receipt of items. No claims for compensation can be made after three working days."
  • "If the matter is not resolved within four business days, I may commence legal proceedings to recover the debt, without further notice to you, and this letter may be tendered in court as evidence of your failure to attempt settlement."
  • "I find it spices things up to have musical accompaniment to my business day."
  • "We only offer next day deliveries for orders placed on business days before noon, you idiot... sorry."
  • "Special terms and conditions: Any stock that remains unsold six (6) months after the delivery date will be bought back in full by the Delavigne Corporation (at the same price as stated above) within ten (10) working days."
  • "Philip : ...four business days..."

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