Traducción & Definición

to work out (a deal): negociar (un arreglo, un trato) verb
(I hope) things will work out: (Espero) que encontremos una solución, espero que todo salga bien idiom
to work out (sport): hacer ejercicio idiom


  • "(A handkerchief held in front of the mouth and nose would work out at just 40 cents per unit."
  • "Well Doctor, I would offer you a very generous package if everything works out."
  • "Even if things don't work out at Delavigne, I'll still have a nest-egg here."
  • "Sorry it didn't work out."
  • "I'm sure things will work themselves out."
  • "I've had several roommates over the past 3 months that did not work out, so now I am hoping to find "the perfect housemate."
  • "Jean : I don't work out."
  • "thing with Democracy doesn't work out."
  • "I don't think this is going to work out, so unless you can convince me that we're compatible in the next 15 seconds, I think we should just stop right now."

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