Traducción & Definición

(to work) nights: (trabajar) en el turno de noche noun
the night: la noche noun


  • "I decided to ring them up for a night on the town."
  • "Though I am still mourning Stink (a period which will last 40 days and 40 nights), I have decided to communicate to you my wishes for your atonement."
  • "You can spend the night there."
  • "Just one night, baby, tell me you have a room!"
  • "Donna : Just one night."
  • "At night, to survive becomes a real challenge."
  • "Is it true that you were with him on the night in question?"
  • "Clerk (Camilla) : How many nights will you be staying with us?"
  • "Susie : What he wasn't night...with the doors closed."
  • "It will be night soon."

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