Traducción & Definición

to weigh: pesar verb
Algunas expresiones frecuentes con el verbo weigh:
to weigh the options sopesar las opciones
to weigh against jugar en contra, perjudicar
Have you weighed yourself lately? ¿Te has pesado últimamente?
the weight: el peso noun
Algunas expresiones frecuentes con el sustantivo weight:
the weight of the world el peso del mundo (toda la carga o responsabilidad)
to gain weight subir de peso, engordar
worth its weight in gold valer su peso en oro
counter weight contrapeso
His weight was listed as three hundred pounds, but he looked heavier. El peso con el que estaba registrado era de 300 libras, pero parecía más pesado.
a weight: una pesa, una mancuerna noun

UK: You are very thin; how much do you weigh?
US: Oh dear, I forgot to weigh my vegetables.


  • "The highest rates of weight gain per second were localized in the mid-west and the south (the so-called Fat Belt), however weight gain was steady from coast to coast, from California to New York."
  • "Physical description: (Age) 19 (Height) 5.8 M (Weight) 2367 KG (additional information) LOVES SUDOKU"
  • "Shoshana, who weighs 350 pounds (160 kilograms) and has a history of violence, will be put to sleep early next week."
  • "Next time we'll add some weight to the bar."
  • "There's a competition to guess the cow's weight."
  • "That's how we weigh things in the States."
  • "Mr Delavigne is very sensitive about his weight."
  • "Philip : Anyway, my friend Joe, he weighs like 250 pounds."

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