Traducción & Definición
a waste of time: una pérdida de tiempo
Sometimes I think that talking to Philip is a waste of my time. A veces pienso que hablar con Philip es una pérdida de tiempo.
We're wasting our time negotiating with you. Let's go. Estamos perdiendo el tiempo negociando con usted. Vámonos.
to waste: perder, malgastar, desperdiciar
Sometimes I get the impression that he's wasting his life collecting those antique pencil-sharpeners. A veces tengo la sensación de que está malgastando su vida coleccionando sacapuntas antiguos.
I already wasted all morning looking for the missing report. He perdido toda la mañana buscando el informe perdido.
Don't waste your food. No desperdicies tu comida.
- "Thanks for wasting my time, you British idiot!"
- "Horatio : So you wasted your time writing those lab reports, Brian."
- "-Seems. Well this seems to be a waste of my time."
- "So, as you can imagine, it would be a waste of time for your friend to come down to the offices, because he can't do anything for us."
- "Kate : Oh, well I'm sorry to have wasted your time, Mr. Moon."
- "MyFace is a website that allows you to waste your time at work, spy on your partner, and forward spam messages to your entourage!"
- "This has been a giant waste of time and money, and a good illustration of what is wrong with this country."
- "Thanks for wasting my time, mister!"
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