Traducción & Definición
a warning: una advertencia, un aviso
a warning sign una señal de alerta
to warn (against something): advertir, prevenir (de algo)
I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen. Intenté advertirle, pero no me quiso escuchar.
Warning!: ¡Cuidado! ¡Atención!
Pronunciation examples
UK: This is your final warning: you'll be fired if you feed the monkeys again.
US: I've warned you before about riding your bike in the house.
- "Bruno : Ok Horatio, before we go into the gallery, I need to warn you that this is a cutting-edge exhibition."
- "Warning: Sharing this information can lead to death, excommunication."
- "But I've got to warn you, these are some pretty serious tough hombres back there..."
- "Don't say I didn't warn you..."
- "Spa Retreat Rules - Fifth Warning"
- "Warning: Bruno can be extremely charming, please do not fall in love with him!"
- "Mr. Smith : Does or does not your label for Montmartre Musk say, "WARNING: CONTENTS HIGHLY FLAMMABLE"?"
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