Traducción & Definición
warm: cálido, caluroso; afectuoso, cariñoso
It's warm in this room, can you open the window? Hace calor en esta habitación. ¿Podrías abrir la ventana?
He's a very warm person. Es una persona muy afectuosa, cariñosa.
to warm: calentar, recalentar
- "Would you care for a warm towel?"
- "But the people are very
gaywarm and friendly." - "I want to stay here in my warm manure pile."
- "I will bring you the amended expense form later today, along with a warm glass of milk."
- "In winter I put socks in the windows to keep warm."
- "Brian Warm your toilet seat?"
- "Thank you for the warm clothes by the way."
- "What my Swedish friend here is trying to say is his meal is a little cold, could you warm it up, please?"
- "I'll bring a bottle opener, and some warm English beers"
- "A warm place with no memory."
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