Traducción & Definición

(No to) violence!: (¡No a) la violencia! noun
non-violence: pacifismo noun


  • "I'll be the first to admit that violence doesn't solve anything."
  • "No one was hurt during the revolution but the country did record its first ever act of violence when the former President's bodyguard was slightly pushed."
  • "It's time to say goodbye to your lame regime of peace, non-violence and general contentment."
  • "Brian : I didn't know he was capable of such violence."
  • "Hey, what happened to non-violence!"
  • "We mustn't resort to violence."
  • "(Violence medley)"
  • "There is no need for violence."
  • "Let's move on to our real top story: In Lomé, Togo today, the Togolese defense minister was shot while delivering a speech on gun control at the annual summit on non-violence."
  • "- a country without violence!"

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