Traducción & Definición

(The Eiffel Tower is located) in the vicinity (of our hotel): (La Torre Eiffel está) está cerca, en los alrededores (de nuestro hotel) idiom
(The house is priced) in the vicinity (of $350,000): (La casa está valorada) en torno de (los 350.000$) idiom


  • "Brian : We know for a fact that barking was heard in the vicinity of the copy machine at 7.15pm, just 3 minutes before Stink's body was discovered in the hallway!"
  • "Brian : We know for a fact that barking was heard in the vicinity of the copy machine at 7.15 pm, just 3 minutes before Stink's body was discovered in the hallway!"
  • "Bruno : Mother, Felix stole my science project, and then passed wind in the vicinity of my head."

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