Traducción & Definición

typically: típicamente adverb
Having tea at 4 PM is a typically English practice. Tomar el té a las 4 de la tarde es una costumbre típicamente inglesa.
typical: típico adjective


  • "Excuse my typical French greeting, but I have just returned from my homeland (France) and I am filled with a love of France (my homeland) and all things French!"
  • "They are a typical Australian couple, and they are going to welcome us in their typical Australian home."
  • "Those are typically the traits of a French woman."
  • "Philip : So Edward, that whole plate of mashed potatoes – is that a typical Swedish thing?"
  • "Susie : Wayne is a typical working-class male."
  • "Accounts Payable will be letters from people asking for money – typically these will include invoices we need to pay."
  • "What do you do on a typical day?"

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