Traducción & Definición

twelve (fans): doce (ventiladores) adjective


  • "There's a twelve dollar base charge, and then it's a dollar fifty per mile after that."
  • "He was 104-years-old when he passed away last week, and most of the family expected him to last at least another ten to twelve years."
  • "Brian : After listening to you snoring for twelve hours, I think I'm ready for a martini."
  • "Today, Horatio is going to sing a lovely Christmas Carol called "The Twelve Days of Christmas"."
  • "Between ten and twelve."
  • "Donna : Twelve."
  • "Love Dove cruises visit twelve romantic destinations from the Pacific to the Atlantic."
  • "- Twelve salad dressings should be more than enough for everyone."

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Me encanta hacer mis cursos de inglés en línea. Unos diez minutos al día son suficientes... Gracias.



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