Traducción & Definición

a truck: un camión noun
a trucker: un camionero noun


  • "While driving to the International Conference on Smelling Techniques, Bruno's tiny Peugeot collided with an enormous truck carrying several boxes of Kalvin Krime products."
  • "Chapter 10: The Warbuckle Connection - Guns, Trucks and Cowboy hats"
  • "Just think about it: the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergs, the Freemasons, and Freddie Mercury have all set foot in this condemned taco truck!"
  • "Yesterday he set fire to a truck."
  • "Since I was no longer covered, my insurance claim against Kalvin Krime was refused, even though the truck driver was the responsible party."
  • "We can stick the barbie in the truck and go somewhere interesting!"
  • "The last vision I have, just before I wake up screaming, is the face of the truck driver, the evil intent in his eyes, and the faint smile on his lips, as tranquil as my yoga master."
  • "My dream keeps on taking me back to that fateful day many years ago when I collided with the Kalvin Krime truck and lost my faculty to smell."
  • "Brian : Uhhh... This looks a lot like the taco truck that got shut down last month."

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