Traducción & Definición

a tribute: un homenaje noun
This poem is a tribute to the heroes of the French Revolution. Este poema es un tributo a los héroes de la revolución Francesa.
to pay tribute to (one's parents): rendir tributo a (sus padres) idiom
Thousands of people paid tribute to the war veterans. Miles de personas rindieron tributo a los veteranos de guerra.

UK: We all sang a song as a tribute to the victims of the accident.
US: I'd like to pay tribute to the directors of the film.


  • "One of Bruno Delavigne's very first creations and a tribute to his late grandfather Xavier is back, and better than ever."
  • "Brian : Now, to pay tribute to our fallen comrades, an original composition from unpaid intern Edward Moon."
  • "Robot : Because citizens get very attached to songs about their country, and they don't like it when their music becomes a tribute to one's egomania."
  • "Bruno Delavigne had been waving to the crowd, along with representatives from the Delavigne staff, atop of the famous "Nose float", a two-ton papier-mâché tribute to Delavigne's powerful organ."
  • "Delavigne's tribute to his grandfather, “La Potion de Papi” grew popular."
  • "Delavigne's tribute to his grandfather, "La Potion de Papi" was the preferred cologne of Parisian men during the summer of 1978."

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