Traducción & Definición
to train: entrenar, capacitar
a train: un tren
(to go somewhere) by train (ir a algún sitio) en tren
- "In fact, just this morning, I got my head stuck in the doors of a train."
- "The next train on platform 2 will be calling at all stations to Upminster via Barking."
- "Announcement 1 : Ladies and gentlemen, train number 98756 from London to Paris is delayed due to water on the tracks."
- "The train will now leave at 20.15."
- "Train number 98756 to Paris Gare de Nord is now boarding."
- "Chocolate melted and poured into your mouth by trained chimpanzees"
- "Announcement 3 : Ladies and gentlemen, train number 98756 to Paris Gare de Nord is now boarding."
- "Bruno trained his interpretation skills on basic animals at first."
- "Announcement : This train terminates at Upminster."
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