Traducción & Definición

the traffic: el tráfico, el tránsito, la circulación noun
It took me an hour to get home because of all the traffic. Me llevó una hora llegar a mi casa por culpa del tráfico.
(server) traffic: el tráfico (del servidor) noun


  • "Traffic is a bleeding nightmare around Hammersmith, I'll take you through Shepherd's Bush."
  • "As far as the numerous traffic violations incurred by Mr. Marron, I can only suggest that the vast societal and cultural differences between his native country (France) and ours played a significant part in his actions."
  • "That's all for now, stay tuned for more news, traffic and weather only on"
  • "Due to heavy traffic."
  • "There's a multiple vehicle collision blocking traffic in both directions right now."
  • "Traffic can be a real pain at this time of day."
  • "Moira : That's all the time we have for today, but join us tomorrow for news, traffic, weather and maybe even a few more intimate details of Brent's private parts, eh life."
  • "As you may have heard, your last delivery of perfume was destroyed in a freak traffic accident."

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