Traducción & Definición

a tradition: una tradición noun


  • "Iconic fashion house Dulce and Carpaccio is renowned for its cutting-edge style and fine quality, but what had set the company apart was its rich tradition."
  • "Pushing your way up the chain of command is a proud American tradition."
  • "In the United States, there is a long tradition of advertisements for programs promising lots of money in a short period of time."
  • "Bruno : It's an American tradition, like apple pie and election fraud."
  • "Delavigne's always been good to me, and I've been good to them. I'd like to continue that tradition, as reluctant as I am to do business with the French."
  • "Now, in that same tradition, we offer you the Super Safe Security System 3000!"
  • "I believe that the "siesta" is also a tradition in many latin cultures."
  • "The dinner party is a proud US tradition, but can be a minefield for the newcomer to the USA."
  • "This speech is a tradition that was started by my father, K-k-k-k- King George."
  • "Time will tell whether this will be the result of an increase in sales or of making redundancies, however few people in the industry believe that D&C's tradition of using authentic Italian tailoring, leathers and fabrics will continue under Mazerati's leadership."

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