Traducción & Definición

a tourist: un turista noun
a tourist trap una trampa para turistas


  • "Dave the tourist!"
  • "On your feet, lazy tourists!"
  • "I heard him say "slip it in your bag, it's our little secret" to a young French boy shopping for a birthday present for his mother, and "oh go on, treat yourself: I won't tell anyone" to an Icelandic tourist."
  • "I'm here because two European tourists - Dutch to be precise - have been taken hostage by pirates."
  • "We have always benefited from a healthy tourist industry, and as long as our city remains an attractive tourist destination we will continue to do so."
  • "It's obvious after meeting her that she spends her time frivolously flying from one tourist destination to the next, on the company's dollar I imagine."
  • "Ivory Coast: three German tourists have been taken hostage!"
  • "Hannah : Oh, a tourist!"
  • "In an unlikely turn of events, an American tourist has peacefully overthrown the Peacenikland government and crowned himself "King and all-round awesome leader" of the country."

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