Traducción & Definición

(a) tough (problem, case): (un problema) difícil adjective
(a) tough (person): (una persona) dura, fuerte adjective
(a) tough (material): (un material) resistente adjective

UK: The environment is one of today's toughest problems.
US: Kevin is tough because he grew up in a tough neighborhood.


  • "But I've got to warn you, these are some pretty serious tough hombres back there..."
  • "Tough! Tough!"
  • "Oh, so as I was saying, it will be tough to find a room for tonight, but I'll see what I can do."
  • "You will see that it is tough and hard to swallow."
  • "Tough son of a bitch."
  • "That's a tough one."
  • "Bob the Brit : Alright, let me see those hands in the air, tough guy!"
  • "It was a tough competition, but Mr Oleré eventually outclassed his canine competitors by using his human brain to his advantage."
  • "They are trying to break me, Bruno, and I am afraid that despite my rugged, tough exterior, I may not last."

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