Traducción & Definición

At the tone, After the tone (please leave your name): Después de la señal (diga su nombre) noun
Please leave your name and number after the tone. Por favor, deje su nombre y número de teléfono después de la señal.
the tone: el tono, la señal; la tonalidad noun


  • "Please leave a message after the tone, and I will return your call as soon as possible."
  • "Press the pound key after the tone to continue."
  • "Brian : Please leave a message after the tone."
  • "We're not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone."
  • "No cellphone tones in my home!"
  • "I'm away from my office or on the phone right now, but please leave a detailed message with your name and phone number at the tone, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible."
  • "In the future, you should ask someone to proofread any application letters you may send out, and make your tone more formal."
  • "Tone Icarus : Buh, woman."
  • "He likes flamboyant tones"
  • "Please leave a message after the tone, and I'll return your call as soon as possible."

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