Traducción & Definición

to the left, to the right: hacia la izquierda, hacia la derecha idiom


  • "Bruno : The Republicans position themselves to the right."
  • "All non-EU passport holders please queue up to the left, and all EU passport holders please proceed to the right."
  • "All non-EU passport holders please queue up to the left, and all EU passport holders please proceed to the right."
  • "The Democrats position themselves to the left on issues of economy and social policy."
  • "Yes, that is up there, to the right."
  • "Philip : No, I said left on Guererro Street, then the burrito place is on your left hand side."
  • "Lucky : Down the hall to the left."
  • "Bjorn : Last week, the balance of power in the Swedish Parliament shifted from the left to the right."

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