Traducción & Definición

to take place: tener lugar verb
Our annual meeting takes place in San Francisco. Nuestra reunión anual tiene lugar en San Francisco.


  • "Located in a secret offshore location to cut costs and hurt the global economy, your rehabilitation takes place entirely online."
  • "The celebration of their love will take place on Friday, the twenty-fifth of August at three o'clock at Sacred Heart Cathedral, 1669 Fudgejunction Road, London, England."
  • "In today's program we are going to take a special visit to the offices of the Delavigne Corporation where an amazing experiment is taking place."
  • "In case you were wondering, I'm still not going to tell you where our team-building weekend will be taking place."
  • "The baptism will be taking place this Thursday at St."
  • "The events took place late last night at a trendy bar in San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood, where witnesses reported seeing an altercation between two men arguing over the television program being shown."
  • "This year's conference will take place in the Kennedy Suite at the Boston Heights Conference Center (Boston, Massachusetts) on the 21st of August."
  • "Ideally this would take place in L."
  • "Remember: on the Musical Store hotline, all conversations take place in song!"

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Lo que dicen nuestros usuarios:



Me encanta hacer mis cursos de inglés en línea. Unos diez minutos al día son suficientes... Gracias.



¡Me encanta vuestro innovador método para aprender un idioma divirtiéndose!



Vuestro método es único. Vuestros cursos me han ayudado a progresar y a ganar confianza durante mis viajes al extranjero.



Gymglish me ha permitido mejorar mi expresión oral y escrita en inglés. Una cita que no me perdería por nada del mundo.

Más testimonios.