Traducción & Definición

to suit (somebody): convenir a (alguien) verb
No confundir con a suit (un traje):
I finally found a job that suits me. Finalmente encontré un trabajo que me conviene.
Green doesn't really suit your complexion. El verde no te sienta muy bien.
Suit yourself. Hazlo como quieras.
to be suited to, for (something): convenir a (algo), estar hecho para (hacer algo) idiom
Jean thinks he's well suited for the Delavigne corporation. Jean cree que está hecho para trabajar en la compañía Delavigne.


  • "We've got some very nice artificial plants which might suit you better."
  • "Actually, that suits me – the Australian Dollar is down against the US Dollar at the moment."
  • "I hope those arrangements suit you."
  • ""Eternal Summer" suits you perfectly."
  • "I have everything from Abba to ZZ Top- something to suit every taste and budget!"
  • "I think a kaftan and a pair of loose pants would really suit you."
  • "Nicola : Ok, ok, Thursday suits me."
  • "The early afternoon would suit me best: let's say 2.30PM."
  • "I think they'd really suit you."

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