Traducción & Definición

to stick to, with: atenerse a, ceñirse a verb
Please stick to the subject, Horatio. Horatio cíñete al tema, por favor.
I'm sticking to (American cars, although they are expensive): Me quedo con (los coches americanos, aunque sean más caros) verb


  • "And how do you feel about sticking to a company dress code?"
  • "Refrigerator magnets are unaffiliated with Delavigne Corporation, and are not guaranteed to stick to refrigerators or other surfaces."
  • "I will be sticking to my real corks, and I urge you to do the same!"
  • "But... no, we will stick with Bruno's Brew."
  • "From now on, I am sticking to perfumes!"
  • "Now please call again the day before the flight to confirm, or Mr. Delavigne will be stuck with the standard food."
  • "I made reservations for Chez Marguerite, but you must promise that you'll stick to an appetizer and a main course."

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