Traducción & Definición

to solve: resolver verb
He solved the crime. (Él) resolvió el crimen.
Icarus can solve any mathematical equation. Icarus puede resolver cualquier ecuación matemática.


  • "Would you help us solve the case?"
  • "Icarus : Welcome to the "super duper mystery solving laboratory", everyone, which incidentally doubles as my office."
  • "But solve this riddle's what you must do"
  • "Was anybody able to solve yesterday's homework problem?"
  • "Mr. Cheeter, why don't you come up to the board and show us how you think this problem should be solved?"
  • "I'll be the first to admit that violence doesn't solve anything."
  • "while children like dogs because they often solve mysteries in a large van in cartoons."
  • "Brian : So we were trapped in the hut, but we solved your riddle, and then we used your tunnel to..."
  • "To the "super duper mystery solving laboratory"!"
  • "If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it."

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