Traducción & Definición

a (commercial) shoot: una filmación, un rodaje (de un anuncio) noun
I will be in the Bahamas working on this commercial shoot all week. Estaré toda la semana en las Bahamas trabajando en el rodaje de este anuncio.
to shoot (a film): filmar, rodar (una película) verb
I'm shooting my second film. Estoy rodando mi segunda película.

Este verbo es irregular:
I shoot / I shot / I have shot
to shoot (an animal): disparar a (un animal) verb
He tried to shoot me! ¡Intentó dispararme!
to shoot at (someone): disparar a (alguien) verb


  • "I'll shoot all of you!"
  • "Sydney : Bloody hell, she just shot my telly!"
  • "The Corsican : I shoot you now!"
  • "You tried to shoot but it was too late"
  • "You shot Tony Three Times... three times."
  • "But I have the strength enough to shoot one more bullet."
  • "They shot at me!"
  • "Daddy's gonna shoot us some dinner."
  • "She just shot my telly!"
  • "My father once said, a dying British man will shoot you while you're trying to rob an airport."

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