Traducción & Definición

to share: compartir, dividir verb
Will you share your lunch with me? ¿Podrías compartir tu almuerzo conmigo?
a share: una parte, una porción noun
I have my share of responsibility in this, as well. Yo también tengo una parte de responsabilidad en esto.
Share también es usado en el mundo bursátil para hablar de "una acción, o una participación":
I have shares in several oil companies. Tengo acciones en varias compañías petroleras.
(a) shared (bathroom): (un baño) compartido adjective

UK: Darling, I want to share everything with you!
US: Yes, but sharing the same toothbrush is not nice.


  • "Philip : I am indeed lucky to have met a woman who shares my love of feminist literature, my strict vegetarian diet and above all, who shares my belief in a monogamous marriage built on celibacy."
  • "I can't wait to share Tonton Hubert's foie gras with you!"
  • "Bruno : Edward, this food is considered a delicacy, and Jean wants to share his heritage with us!"
  • "invite you to share in the joy of the marriage"
  • "The first apartment did not have a kitchenette, just a large sink on the floor of the living room. I presume the noisy basketball court it overlooked was the "shared garden" to which you referred."
  • "Warning: Sharing this information can lead to death, excommunication."
  • "Hannah : Philip, this was supposed to be a shared mission!"
  • "Thank you for allowing me to see into your lovely soul, and for sharing so much of yourself with me."
  • "On the other hand, if the company would like to reimburse me for this expense, I would be willing to share the stapler with the rest of the staff."

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