Traducción & Definición
to miss: errar, fallar, perder
I miss you. Te extraño, te echo de menos.
I just missed the bus by two minutes! ¡He perdido el bus por dos minutos!
(a) missing (piece of a puzzle): (una pieza) que falta (en el rompecabezas)
My keys are missing. He perdido mis llaves.
He will be missed: Le vamos a echar de menos.
Note that the verb to miss is often used in the passive voice.
- "Please tell Bruno I miss him, and I'm very angry with him."
- "Add that to the time for the crossing... add two... that makes six weeks - we'll miss the deadline!"
- "Bruno : Is that why you missed levitation practice yesterday?"
- "You don't even miss me! Bruno : Hey, hey, hey, not so fast, Brian."
- "Sure, I didn't know you were gone, but that doesn't mean I didn't miss you."
- "I had a good time but woke up the next morning with a kidney missing."
- "Only serve to keep reminding me of how much I missed you."
- "- There's a couple of numbers missing from your social security..."
- "That's from noon to 2pm. Then on Wednesday there's a shark documentary on the Nature Channel that I absolutely must not miss!"
- "I missed my soup."
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