Traducción & Definición
to mean: significar, querer decir
What does that mean? Can you explain the sense to me? ¿Qué significa eso? ¿Podría explicarme el significado?
Este verbo es irregular:
I mean / I meant / I have meant
(what) I mean...: (lo que) quiero decir...
I hate children... I mean, I'm not ready to have them. Odio a los niños... quiero decir, todavía no estoy listo para tenerlos.
(your friendship) means (a lot to me): (tu amistad) significa (mucho para mí)
- "But I suppose that means you know what it's like to live with a handicap?"
- "Horatio : General, I mean Rainbow Child, am I still under arrest?"
- "I mean crazy crazy."
- "Al Capone : It means... not guilty!"
- "Brian : You mean, you've never, you know...?"
- "Do you know what this means?"
- "I mean... Call me "Rainbow Child"."
- "Rocco : Duh, boss... what does "acquitted" mean?"
- "I mean, only if you want to, of course."
- "I'm a lean, mean, turbo-charged selling machine!"
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