Traducción & Definición

(She) gave birth to (a baby): (Ella) dio a luz a (un bebé) idiom

UK: I never want to give birth. I want a caesarian section.
US: My mother gave birth to me in the back of a limousine.


  • "My darling wife, Sophie, gave birth to the seven-pound two-ounce cutie at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon."
  • "Highlights include a slow-motion video of the artist giving birth, and a sculpture of an electric chair made entirely out of egg boxes."
  • "In 1928, Clairette gave birth to the couple's only son Marc, a jazz musician who now lives with his wife in San Francisco."
  • "Sometimes I feel like I'm pregnant with hundreds of thoughts and words and ideas, and I must give birth to them all!"
  • "One of my cousins has recently given birth, and I'm so jealous that I actually contemplated kidnapping her newborn baby!"
  • "In 1928, Clairette gave birth to their only son Marc, a jazz musician who now lives with his wife in San Francisco."
  • "And finally, in more serious news, a cat in Tokyo has given birth to three kittens who have been judged the cutest kittens ever."

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