Traducción & Definición

to flirt: coquetear verb
a flirt una persona muy coqueta
flirtation: el coqueteo noun

UK: Polly is such a flirt. She's always flirting!
US: Are you flirting with me, Mr President?


  • "Philip Cheeter (USA) took the bronze medal in the Restraining oneself from flirting with the opposite sex event."
  • "Now that you've told me that you're going to visit a psychologist, even if it is just to flirt with her, there's a very strong possibility that I will spread this information around the entire office, to my friends and post it on Internet chatrooms all over the world (this is the beauty of the World Wide Web)."
  • "Brian Jones (UK) won a silver medal in Flirting with the opposite sex ."

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