Traducción & Definición

to expect (something to happen): esperar (que algo pase) verb
Mr. Warbuckle was expected in Bruno's office this morning. Esta mañana se esperaba al Sr. Warbuckle en la oficina de Bruno.
What do you expect from me? ¿Que esperas de mí?
an expectation: una expectativa, una previsión; una esperanza noun
Bruno has high expectations of his staff. Bruno tiene grandes expectativas hacia su grupo.
expected: esperado adjective


  • "Jones is expected in court this morning to hear charges against him. He vehemently denies claims that he passed on top secret information to perfume rivals Kalvin Krime and Grevlon."
  • "That was easier than I expected."
  • "He's expecting you at his home studio in Sausalito tomorrow at 3PM."
  • "Specifically, I've been thinking about your highly unrealistic expectations of making it in the music industry."
  • "Actually I'm expecting twins!"
  • "-I wouldn't expect more than a few sprinkles."
  • "Young Philip : Hey Quincy, I was with your mom last night and she was less difficult to manipulate than I expected!"
  • "You don't expect the staff to sing that every morning, do you?"
  • "Young Icarus : Buh, I'm so sorry Mr. Romanonovitch, but it's just that the non-negative variables you suggested for use of X and X squared were a bit more difficult to manipulate than I expected!"
  • "Free-shipping and "buy one get one free" offers are expected to increase before Christmas."

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